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Thu, Apr 13



From Mom Misery to Miracles! Feel Calm, Confident and Powerful in 15 Minutes a Day

Learn how to shift from stressed out and overwhelmed into more calm, confident and connected on command and with consistency! Great for improving your parenting, marriage, and growing your business!

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From Mom Misery to Miracles!  Feel Calm, Confident and Powerful in 15 Minutes a Day
From Mom Misery to Miracles!  Feel Calm, Confident and Powerful in 15 Minutes a Day

Time & Location

Apr 13, 2023, 3:00 PM – 3:40 PM EDT



About the Event

Are you feeling stressed out as a professional mom?

Are you feeling overwhelmed by a demanding schedule of taking care of your children, your spouse, your aging parents AND trying to rock your career?   

Do you feel like you’re struggling and pushing instead of flowing with ease through your day?  

Are you frustrated by your relationships with your kids, spouse or colleagues?

Are you wondering if there’s a BETTER way?

I hear you because I had totally felt this way for decades!

I was raising 3 kids 4 and under while trying to launch my health and wellness business.  

It was crazy and chaotic.  

One day I got a call that pulled the rug out from under my business plan and I muted the phone and began to cry.

I felt a flood of emotion- sadness, anger, disappointment- and the thoughts: 

“Here you are again…failing.  Failing at being a mother, a wife, and at your business.” 

And I noticed my kids were crying, too!  They felt neglected by me as I was always on the phone trying to close the next deal.  Meanwhile my children and husband felt left out in the cold.

Whatever I did was just not enough.

And it was the best thing that ever happened to me!  


Because it forced me to look at my thinking. What I was believing about myself.   What was sabotaging me over and over again.

I worked with a coach and also studied extensively about how to turn this all around.  What I discovered was that I was sabotaging myself and believing that was the best way to get what I wanted- through suffering, pushing, pleasing, and controlling.  And these sabotaging ways were dictated by my thoughts and emotions which were created mentally.

When I finally learned that doing things the old way was hindering me AND that there was another more fun, wiser, and effective way, it was a game changer for me.  I started to feel better, respond easier and with more calm, my relationship with my kids and husband improved, I started to have more fun and ease with my new business (the old one dissolved as I didn’t even enjoy it!).  I suddenly had more time for myself (which was so needed!)

And it led me down a path where I felt inspired to share what I learned with other professional moms who felt so miserable and lost like I had been.

What if YOU could wake up with more energy and enthusiasm knowing you have created a life that puts you at the front of the line, at the helm.  

You would have time for yourself and your interests and passions AND time with family.  

You feel more confident and clear about where you are and where you’re going.  

You have better communication with your spouse, your kids and your workplace colleagues. 

Yes, your daily is full but it’s full of activities and relationships where you feel confident, calm, and full of joy.  

You may even feel excited about what is in store for you- knowing that no matter what happens, you will see the gifts and opportunities in it.

Imagine a life like that.

If you’re the least bit curious about how this all works, come join me for a FREE workshop:

From Mom Misery to Miracles: Feel Calmer, Confident, and Powerful  in 15 Minutes a Day!

In this 40 minute presentation, you will learn:

-what SABOTAGES you from getting what you want and how to remedy that

-how you DO have access to more wise, innovative and creative aspects of yourself

- that there is a way to COMMAND or SHIFT your brain to access calmer, more confident and powerful parts so you can utilize them to create a better life.

Register here!

I can’t wait to meet you and show you what turned my life around so you can do the same. YAY!


  • From Mom Misery to Miracles!

    Here's your FREE ticket to a 30 minute presentation on how to identify what sabotages you and how to shift into a more wise, calm, and confident part of your brain so you can make better decisions, have easier relationships and rock your career! Zoom link:

    Sale ended



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