Truly having it all shouldn’t leave you feeling lonely, overwhelmed, and stressed the f%$k out
You deserve to feel like Queen of the Castle
Does your day to day look anything like this?
→ You don’t get a good night’s sleep, the day hasn’t even started, and you already feel behind.
→ The kids need breakfast. Your partner can’t find their keys. You need to shower and do just enough hygiene to not be offensive.
→ You barely get to enjoy a lunch you know isn’t healthy, but hey, it was convenient and all you had the energy for…and when it’s time to clock out, you may do it physically, but you do not do it mentally.
→ You put the kids to bed, but you know you were a little short with them, and the guilt sends you straight to the freezer for that pint of Ben & Jerry’s you know you’ll feel bad about later.
→ You’ll try to connect with your spouse, but as they’re talking to you about their day, your anxious mind is busy thinking up responses to the work messages waiting in your email inbox.

You don’t feel your best, mama.

You hate the resentment you feel towards your spouse, your kids, your job, and yourself because you can never seem to do it all like everyone else seems to.
And you know it’s time for the people-pleasing, lack of boundaries, being late, staying late, yelling at the kids, and feeling lonely and isolated to change.
I know this because I was exactly where you are.

You don’t feel your best, Mama.
You hate the resentment you feel towards your spouse, your kids, your job, and yourself because you can never seem to do it all like everyone else seems to.
And you know it’s time for the people-pleasing, lack of boundaries, being late, staying late, yelling at the kids, and feeling lonely and isolated to change.
I know this because I was exactly where you are.

Rita's Story
(I know. It sometimes felt as scary as it sounds.)
I was nursing a baby while taking a marketing class and bouncing a toddler while trying to close a client.

I was the overwhelmed, frustrated, overachieving mom trying my best to raise three kids under four, all while trying to build a health and wellness business.
I was late to meetings, appointments, or social activities…if I didn’t forget about them altogether.
The only time I let myself rest was when I got a bad head cold, which, because I was stressed, happened more often than I enjoyed.
I cared way too deeply about what others thought of me and never felt good enough if I wasn’t constantly “on” and “doing”.
I felt disturbed. I felt depressed. I felt inadequate.
It felt almost impossible to be the mom, the friend, the volunteer, and the coworker who was always available and who always did everything right.
It wasn’t until my own coach showed me it was my own beliefs and choices keeping me on the too-fast hamster wheel that was my life that I realized I could make a change and find the balance, happiness, and ease I was looking for.
(You’d think my extensive background in Social Work would help me see this in myself. *Facepalm*)
Once I tried the tools my coach provided and started to experience more control over my emotions and lighter, happier days, I knew I couldn’t keep what I learned to myself.
Now I help mothers, career women, business owners, community volunteers, and loving partners let go of perfectionism, embrace the imperfect people they are, and find freedom, joy, and ease in their lives.

In Psychology from
College of the Holy Cross
In Social Work from
Columbia University
In Social Work
Orpheus Mind Technology Practitioner
A happy life has to be fun. Because if it’s fun, I won. A sense of humor goes a long way in my book!
It’s hard to take responsibility for our role in our own unhappiness and overwhelm. If you’re willing to do that, you’re courageous. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Love is what keeps me going. Seeing the mindset shifts moms have when they realize it’s OK to love themselves as much as they love their families, careers, and friends means I’ve done my job well. As we love ourselves more, we can love each other…and the better our world will be.

When I’m not working, you might find me…
Snacking on some almonds watching The Great British Baking Show or This Is Us
Enjoying a cuppa with my friends cracking jokes and telling stories
Watching and quoting Seinfeld (Please tell me you’ve gotten the references)
Poorly playing the ukulele
Working on my next stand-up comedy set

Belly Breathe With Me
Let me teach you how to belly breathe so you feel calmer, clearer, and ready to tackle whatever challenges the day brings.
(You can do this anywhere. In the car before your wild kids pile in after soccer practice. In your office after the meeting that could have been an email. Even when your spouse asks where the whatever is for the fifth time this week, even though it’s staring them right in the face.)

I understand the unique challenges busy moms face because I was you.
As a coach and social worker, I’ve helped hundreds of women transform their lives, realize their most authentic potential and greatest joy, and restore their freedom.