It's time to create a life you embrace, savor, and most importantly, love!

One Happy Mother
The self-compassion makeover.

Balancing a marriage, a career, a family, and your own needs…it’s no easy feat.
Balancing a marriage, a career, a family, and your own needs…it’s no easy feat.
You know deep down you’re doing your best, but it’s so easy to be hard on yourself when the last time you checked, you were out of coffee, you double booked two important meetings, you skipped the gym, and you ordered takeout for dinner, again.
Instead of berating yourself for being a failure, quitter, or worse, a bad mother or business woman…
(None of which is true, by the way.)
What if you showed yourself some compassion instead?

You know there’s no trophy for the moms who
Never say no
Sleep the least
Don’t ask for help
Sacrifice their needs the most
Make no mistakes
So why are you holding yourself to a standard you know anyone would struggle to meet?
You want to experience more peace, happiness, and ease.
To turn forgotten lunches and misplaced permission slips into no big deal.
To let that picky response from your boss roll right off your shoulder.
To laugh about using the salt instead of the sugar in your coffee.
To get there?
You’ve got to wave that white flag high and proud.
Because you need to become your own best friend and your strongest ally so you can give yourself the compassion you’re waiting for the world to give you.
It’s time to take care of yourself and stop feeling guilty about it
Because you’re sponge-worthy.
Experience the 90-Day Self-Compassion Makeover through 1:1 Coaching with Rita
→ Six (6) private 90-minute coaching sessions over 12 weeks
→ Access to my signature workbook, The Self-Compassion Project
→ Priority access to me via email and text
→ Personalized books, videos, and article recommendations
→ Access to Calm Mom Workshops
The Investment: $1,200
In One Happy Mother, we focus on:
It’s so easy to harp on what’s going wrong and how we aren’t enough. We’re going to flip the script and learn to focus on what’s going right so you can see that you’re winning all the time.
We carry so much anger, frustration, and sadness every day. Together, we’ll address your overwhelming emotions and find the hidden gifts and lessons they leave behind.
Each week, we’ll use my powerful workbook, The Self-Compassion Project, to develop small habits you can do daily to support your mental, spiritual, and emotional life.

What to Expect in One Happy Mother:
As your coach, I promise to create a space where you’re safe to be yourself. Don’t forget that I get you because I’ve been you.
The only way out of your stress and overwhelm is through. We’ll talk about what’s going really well in your life, what feels challenging, and how your behavior and emotions are keeping you stuck.
We don’t just talk. We make a plan for you to get out of your own way, take positive steps forward, see the incredible possibilities life has waiting for you.

After the 90-Day Self-Compassion Makeover, you will
​→ Feel calmer, more confident, and more at ease with yourself
→ Have more energy because you’re taking care of you
→ Demonstrate more patience with yourself and others
→ Understand more about why you do what you do
→ Be on the path to be the person you’re meant to be


I did all the right things. Why am I so miserable?
It’s so easy to believe that if we follow what our family, society or others tell us to do, we will automatically be successful. Everyone is unique and there are no cookie cutter formulas to success and happiness. However, if you understand and love yourself, you can create a happier life.
Do we meet for coaching in-person or virtually?
All coaching is done virtually. We’ll chat via Zoom or over the phone.
Do you offer payment plans?
Yes. Please indicate your interest in a payment plan during our initial consultation.
Can I add on extra coaching sessions if I need them?
Yes. You can let me know if you’d like more support as your time in One Happy Mother comes to an end.
What if I’m not a mom? Can I still participate in One Happy Mother?
Of course! I welcome all women who want to show themselves more compassion into the program.
How will One Happy Mother change my life?
One Happy Mother is designed to help you give yourself a break and show yourself some more compassion. To help you stop beating yourself up for not being the “perfect” mom, wife, coworker, friend, sister, or community member. (What even is perfect, anyway?) Together, we’ll strategize ways to focus less on the negative in your life, celebrate your wins, and create more moments of happiness and joy.
Will we do subconscious work in One Happy Mother?
No, One Happy Mother does not include subconscious techniques. For that, you’ll want to enroll in One Free Mama.
You know it’s time for a change. But let’s face it…the only person in your way is you.
It's never been more possible for you to find more happiness, joy, and ease in your life than with the no-fail, personalized One Happy Mother coaching program.
One Free Mama
Subconscious healing for moms and busy women.
When I say the word triggered, what comes up for you?
→ Your relationship with your partner or child?
→ A lack of “you” time?
→ The stress of balancing your career, home, and social life?
We all have triggers.
We work through them the best we can.
(Sometimes it involves a bottle of wine and reruns of The Great British Baking Show.)
But if you’ve found yourself trying to resolve your emotional burdens with therapy, books, podcasts, religion and spirituality, and all the other yada, yada, yada, only to find nothing is working…
It’s not your fault.

​If you want to resolve an emotional issue, you have to address it on the subconscious level.
You don’t have to continue living a life walking on emotional eggshells, responding with intense outbursts or destructive behaviors you later regret, or wondering what the heck is wrong with you.
(P.S. There’s nothing wrong with you.)
I can help you identify your triggers, discover where they come from, and show you how to release them so you can take back control of your life.

If you’re looking for fast, lasting relief for
Relationship issues

One Free Mama
Together, we’ll access your subconscious mind to rewrite the beliefs holding you back, causing regretful reactions, and making you feel miserable.
The coaching and tools I provide inside this program have a 98% success rate with moms and busy women feeling lighter, happier, more in control of their emotions, and living more joyous lives!
Overcome your emotional burdens, release your trauma, and get rid of your self-sabotaging behavior
Put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life!
One Free Mama Emotional Boot Camp
→ Eight (8) private 60-90 minute coaching sessions with Rita over 6 months
→ Access to subconscious tools (audio tracks) and guidance from Rita
→ Priority access to Rita via text and email for questions, concerns, and guidance
→ Personalized recommendations to help you hit each of your specific goals
→ Access to The Self-Compassion Project Workbook (PDF)
→ Personalized books, videos, and article recommendations to support you
→ Access to periodic virtual workshops during the program duration
The Investment: $1,999
​One Free Mama Hybrid​​
​→ Three (3) 60-90 minute coaching sessions with Rita
→ Access to subconscious tools (audio tracks) and guidance from Rita
→ Priority access to Rita via text and email for questions, concerns, and guidance
→ Personalized recommendations to help you hit each of your specific goals
→ Access to The Self-Compassion Project Workbook (PDF)
→ Personalized books, videos, and article recommendations to support you
→ Access to periodic virtual workshops during the program duration​
The Investment: $750

One Free Mama: You’ve Got This! DIY Package
​→ One (1) 90-minute coaching session with Rita on how to set your goals and use your new subconscious tools (audio tracks)
→ Email and text support with Rita for 6 months
→ Access to the Self-Compassion Project Workbook (PDF)​​​
The Investment: $400

What We Do Inside One Free Mama:
Together, we’ll identify what doesn’t feel good in your life and intentionally decide what you’d like to experience instead. Your goals will be the foundation of our work together.
I’ll walk you through audio tracks to help retrain your brain (it’s not as scary as it sounds, I promise) to help you rewrite the internal thoughts, beliefs, and patterns keeping you from experiencing a happy life.
You’ll experience some rapid results–and even more over time! You will notice feeling lighter, happier, and more free!

You’ve had enough of the therapy merry-go-round.
Enough of having your buttons pushed.
Enough of trying to address your negative thoughts, patterns, and behaviors on your own.
It’s time to try something new and a little out of the box.
If you’re ready to give it one more go…let me show you the world of subconscious healing.
You can break this cycle you feel trapped in.
What have you got to lose?

What do you mean by “working on the subconscious”?
In our subconscious mind lives narratives, beliefs, and ideas through which we view the world. The thing is, not all of them are real or true! They can hold us back in so many ways. By working with the subconscious mind, we can rewrite these narratives, beliefs, and ideas and decide to believe something true and more positive. These beliefs will shift your thoughts, behaviors, and perspective of the world, helping you experience less stress and overwhelm and more happiness and joy.
Do we meet in-person or virtually?
All coaching sessions take place via Zoom or over the phone.
Is this coaching private or in a group?
This is private coaching. Our conversations will remain private and secure.
I’m a little scared. How do I know if this is for me?
I understand that working with your subconscious mind can feel scary. This isn’t mind control or hypnosis. You will always remain completely aware of your surroundings while using subconscious tools. Your comfort and safety is my top priority, always!
One Funny Mutha
Are you a funny mom? Join us for stand up comedy classes in the NJ/NYC area. (VIRTUAL classes coming soon!)
Have you ever been told that you were funny?
Or do you wish you could just let go and experience the lighter side of life?

Maybe you’ve gotten through difficult periods of stress and overwhelm with humor and you want to channel that energy into something fun and exciting!
You want to express yourself in a fun and funny way, but you don’t know how to do it.
I have good news…
There’s a stand up comedy class for moms who are funny, want to be funny, and want to try something new!

One Funny Mutha
Stand-up comedy classes for moms and busy women who want to conquer their fears and try something brand new!
(Yes, even if you’re nervous. We’d love to have you!)
While being funny comes naturally for some, anyone can learn to create and perform jokes!
Whether you’re the mom always cracking zingers at the family reunion, the mom who laughs at her own jokes in the shower, the mom whose kids moan and groan when she tries to be hip or cool, or the mom who can’t fathom getting up on stage and making people laugh, there’s a place for you in One Funny Mutha!
Here's how it works:
Create your material
Each class, we’ll brainstorm ideas you can use to create jokes and bring some more light-heartedness into your life. It’s not about feeling bad about ourselves–it’s about letting that sh%t go and embracing the messiness!
Get behind the ‘mic
The best way to learn is to JUST DO IT. You’ll get behind the microphone and practice your new material in front of our friendly group of women. It’s time to face your fears, get the nerves out, and show yourself you can do anything!
Receive kind and supportive feedback
We’re all conquering fear and trying something new. The group will give you kind, honest, and supportive feedback to help you improve your material and stage presence. We will grow together!
It’s graduation time! After spending the program creating, rehearsing, and honing your set, you’ll perform in a comedy show filled with friends and family.

Hi, I’m Rita–your Stand-Up Comedy Coach
By day, I use my MSW degree to help busy, stressed out moms find more happiness and joy in life. By night, I teach busy, stressed out moms how to turn their experiences into something silly, funny, and lighthearted.
I started doing stand-up comedy in 2017 after many years of experimenting in sketch writing, musical comedy, and improv.
I was TERRIFIED of getting started. My hand shook just pressing the "submit" button on the register form for my first stand-up class.
But…it was one of the best decisions I've made in my life.
Stand-up got me out of my comfort zone. And when this happened, I realized that the BEST stuff happens there.
I proved that I could walk through my fear and express myself in a way that actually helped other people confront their own stress and overwhelm!
I started to think…What else am I too scared to do that could help me grow?
It’s my goal to help other moms experience the same transformation and bring more happiness, joy, and fun into their lives.
Because let’s be real…if it’s fun, we’ve won!
Are you ready to join me?

Do I have to have experience doing stand up comedy to join One Funny Mutha?
No! We welcome all moms and women no matter their experience with stand up comedy.
Who will I be performing in front of?
Performances are always in front of the comforting faces of family and friends!
How will comedy help me grow?
Learning to make light of life’s challenges and look at them with humor will help you stop being so hard on yourself and see your situation through a different perspective. There’s always good hidden in the bad, even if it’s just a great joke! We do this stand-up to conquer our fears, try something new, and experience more fun.
What if I’m not funny?
We’ll teach you how to get started!
What if I’m scared?
That’s OK! It’s great, actually. This is all about getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new. It’s OK to be scared. As long as you’re there, we’re with you!